A Morning Cycle

Pitoon and I have started cycling up the nearby mountain at 7 am most mornings. This early in the morning the road is quiet and the sun not too hot. The sky is usually clear – a bright blue – and fog hangs in the valleys, clinging to the tops of the trees. Some mornings the road smells of fish from the water that comes off the trucks transporting fish to market. We then come back home and practice yoga on the veranda before breakfast. The other morning we cycled to a nearby wildlife refuge where we did yoga in a stilt hut in the middle of the lake. We watched the sun rise over the water as birds flew around us – what a perfect way to start the day!

2 comments on “A Morning Cycle

  1. what a lovely addition to your blog. Glad to hear you are still keeping fit even in the sweltering heat , in true Benita determination. Beautiful photo of you



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